HAPPY NEW YEAR! And what a great way to start 2025 - It’s FILM NIGHT on Saturday 18th January! ‘Thelma’ has had great reviews and is described as a ‘delightful revenge comedy’. It features an elderly grandmother who falls victim to a phone scam. Unable to get help from the police and unwilling to let the scammer get away with her money, Thelma sets out to retrieve it, enlisting unlikely help along the way. Tickets for this ‘Wholesome comedy at its best’ are available from the Barlaston Village Store, Orchard Place £5 each. Tea, coffee and soft drinks will be available and you are very welcome to bring your own cheeky glass of Prosecco/bottle of beer. You might also want to bring a cushion! We look forward to seeing you at the Village Hall – doors open at 7pm, film starts at 7.30pm
December was a fun, party-packed month and it was great to see old and new Strollers and Striders for the Christmas Party on the 4th December. After a misty start to the day (and a few changes of plan due to the mud!) we went for a local walk and returned to the village hall for lunch and a Christmas Sing-Song. Everyone was in a happy mood (probably due to the mulled wine!) and we enjoyed a catch-up over soup, sandwiches and mince pies. Huge thanks to the Kitchen Elves, who under the direction of Val & Andrew, prepared the food, laid the tables, washed and cleared away – what a team!! We also had a slide show of photos over the years which was a fun reminder of the places we’ve been and the laughs we’ve had! If being more active is one of your New Year resolutions, or if you just want to meet friendly local people why not give Sandie (Group Leader) a call on 07496 088544. We meet on the first & third Wednesday of every month at the Plume of Feathers carpark ready to walk at 10am – no need to let us know, just turn up – we’d love to see you!
After the storms with trees down, floods and power cuts it was great to be cheered up by 4 Panto Performances by the Proscenium Players. Barlaston resident Jamie Candlin wrote and directed another sell-out production, this year it was ‘Cinders’ – check out the Community Hub Facebook Group for photos & videos and you can find more info on their Facebook Group: Barlaston Proscenium Players - they are always looking for volunteers – backstage as well as performers!
The Panto had elaborate sets and an extended stage which meant a tight turn-around for us to set up the hall for the (NINTH!) Golden Agers Christmas Tea Party. Amazingly all the cast turned up early, despite an exhausting day with 3 performances the day before and we were able to greet the guests with tables looking suitably festive, (another) slide show, Gill’s cake-stands looking rather scrumptious, and not panicking at all!! We were entertained by St. John’s Community Choir and we all joined in with the carols, and some lovely descants from the choir. Santa’s Helpers did a great job waiting on and dispensing cups of tea & coffee, oh and even more mulled wine and sherry! We also took the opportunity of presenting a cheque for £100 to Sue Tudor (Parish Council Chair) for the Warm Space Group at Brinsley Avenue & £270 was presented to Irene Moran for the Barlaston Volunteers’ Car Scheme from the proceeds of the Attic Sale. An extra presentation was made to Charlotte Davies for all her help at our events & in the village generally – thank you Charlotte, you’re a Superstar!!
The Barlaston Womblers had a big job on their hands clearing the lanes ready for Santa and his reindeer but there were lots of willing helpers and the Dougie Mac shop and Shaina at Lighting the Way ran out of green bags a couple of times in December! It was tricky dodging the rain but Mandy & Soph did a great job of keeping us cheerful wearing their Santa hats and then Mandy & Suzy even put in extra shifts at night – brilliant (& a bit bonkers!!) but what a great way of seeing all the village light displays… particularly at Matt & James’ place at the corner of Flaxman which has become an annual event!! HUGE THANKS to Mandy, Joe & Heather, Soph, Suzy, Andrew M, Debbi, Rich & Murphy, Margaret & Gordon, Charlotte, Stephen 2-Buckets, Sandie, Lynn, Sarah and ALL our wonderful womblers for their incredible work tidying up 2024 – they’ve BIN amazing!!

The Silver Surfers continue to meet every month on the 2nd & 4th Thursday from 10 -12 in the Ruth Dickson room at the rear of the Village Hall and will be resuming sessions on Thursday 9th January. If you’ve had Christmas presents from the family that you need a little help with, give our Gurus a call! Contact Steve on 07861 617932 or Tony on 07783 009194.

Congratulations to Chantelle Bailey (or more accurately Chantelle’s 9 year old!) for the spectacular image of the sky over Barlaston as the entry for the December Photo Competition ‘Highlights of the Year’. We had a great variety of entries, including some amazing pics of the aurora borealis. If you want to see the full selection of photos take a look at our Facebook Page or the Barlaston Community Hub. We look forward to seeing many more fun, interesting and fabulous photos in the coming year!
We hope you had a lovely Christmas and wish you good health & happiness in 2025!
Website: www.barlastoncommunity.wixsite.com